Hospital Bag: Mom Edition

Hey there! So, you’re getting ready to welcome a new little one into the world? That’s super exciting! But, before the big day arrives, you’ll want to make sure you have everything you need packed up and ready to go for your hospital stay. Don’t worry, though, I’ve got you covered with a list of all the stuff you’ll want to bring along for the ride!

Comfy Clothes

When it comes to clothes, you’ll want to be as comfy as possible. Think about bringing along some loose-fitting pajamas, nursing nightgowns, or just your favorite cozy loungewear.

Stay Warm or Cool

Hospitals room temperature are unpredictable. Sometimes it can get a little chilly or It’s a good idea to pack a cozy robe or sweater to keep you nice and warm. To keep you cool get a portable fan that can later be used for your baby in their stroller.

Hospital Socks

Trust me, you’ll thank yourself for bringing along some comfy slippers or socks. Your feet will appreciate the extra love!

Supportive Bras

If you’re planning on breastfeeding, you’ll want to pack some nursing bras or just some really comfy ones that give you good support.


Yep, I said it. Pack some comfy undies, preferably mesh underwear, and maybe bring along a few extra pairs, just in case.

Postpartum Care

After giving birth, things can get a little messy, so be sure to pack some maternity pads or even adult diapers for those first few days.


Don’t forget your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and all that good stuff to keep you feeling fresh and clean.

Hair Accessories

Throw in some hair ties or clips to keep your hair out of your face during labor and delivery.

Breastfeeding Essentials

If you’re planning on breastfeeding, bring along a colostrum collector, your breast pump, nipple cream and nursing pads to help keep things comfy and leak-free.

Labor Comfort

Consider bringing along some things to help keep you comfortable during labor, like a stress ball, massage tool, or birthing ball if you’re into that sort of thing.

Snacks and Drinks

Labor can be hard work, so be sure to pack some snacks and drinks to keep your energy up. Think granola bars, nuts, electrolyte drinks, or even some hard candies.

Birth Plan

If you have a birth plan, be sure to bring along a copy to share with your healthcare team.


Don’t forget to pack any essential medications you’re taking.

Personal Comfort

Bring along some personal items that bring you comfort, like a favorite pillow, blanket, or photos of loved ones.


Labor can be a long process, so bring along some entertainment to help pass the time. Consider packing a book, magazine, tablet, or headphones.

Capture the Moment

You’ll definitely want to capture those precious first moments, so don’t forget your camera or smartphone!

Stay Charged

Make sure to pack a charger for all your electronic devices.

Breastfeeding Support

If you think you’ll need it, consider bringing along a nursing pillow for added support during breastfeeding.

Postpartum Care

Lastly, don’t forget to pack some postpartum recovery items, like perineal spray, witch hazel pads, or sitz bath supplies, to help you feel more comfortable after giving birth.

Phew! That’s quite the list, but trust me, you’ll be glad you took the time to pack everything up beforehand. Now go ahead and get that bag packed, and get ready to welcome your little bundle of joy into the world!

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